with a chat – to help you

Blog 4. Mon 30 Mar 2020
Making a difference by design…

with a chat – to help you

To all my former and current clients: I’ve spoken to many of you already. I know you are passionate about your team and your products. And I know you’d like to keep your product development and improvement projects going and come out of this situation stronger and better and ready with new news.

I’m here and love to help. In fact, you’ll be helping me – it will be so good to think about something else right now!

I’ve opened a bunch of 30min slots in my calendar (which wasn’t too hard  ), which you can book for free here. Slots are for this week and next.

Book a spot for you, for the team, or for all of you. We’ll meet via Zoom so we can see each other and so we can share screens and can draw on the Zoom-whiteboard. I’ll be there, coffee in hand, ready to listen and to help.

Use the slot for:

  • A chat,
  • A boost in morale,
  • Ideas: different solutions, work out what the smartest way (right now) is for you to get your new products/services ready for the market
  • Overview: An independent view on what to delay, what can be done differently, what to push
  • A sounding board to help you get clarity.

Whatever you like to talk about. I’ll be there, ready with coffee in hand. 🙂

I look forward to hear from you!

Flick me an email any way – let me know how you’re doing, let me know how I can help you best right now. And if you’re all good, great!

Time to be innovative!

Onwards, upwards!
