The NPD Review

The NPD Review

The New Product Development Review is an independent assessment of your organisations New Product Development (NPD) efforts.

Improving your product development starts with understanding where you are.

Are you wondering:

  • If you have the right team? The right tools? The right process?
  • Why NPD is slow? Unpredictable? Giving low return on investment?
  • Why it is creating so much stress?
  • How you can improve it?

The first step towards delivering sustained change is to establish a clear, unambiguous view of the workplace environment and to engage a core group of employees who will support a change program. This is the purpose of the NPD Review.

I spend two days with your team reviewing the current processes, tools, the number of ideas, quality of ideas, culture, organisational structure, teamwork and skills.

The NPD Review is based on face-to-face, structured interviews with small groups spanning the workplace. It is this personal and direct approach that allows me to penetrate beyond the limits of conventional surveys to get to the heart of the workplace dynamics.

This approach allows me to demonstrate my understanding of, and empathy with employees, which encourages them to be open in communicating workplace issues and helps gain their support for a change program.

I report back in a half-day workshop with a small team of key players sharing my observations of the current situation and in discussion establish common ground. Together with the team, we dream up what we’d like the future to look like and set goals to reach that future state. This is followed by a plan with options on how to achieve those goals.

To explain what is possible I’ll share some of the latest thinking in NPD with the team.

For pricing and more info, just contact me.