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1-Day New Product Development workshop
This workshop is aimed at manufacturers who wish to streamline their product development, to bring well designed products to market quickly and more profitably.
Participants can be start-up companies new to the disciplines of product development tools and processes, or established companies with experienced PD teams wanting to work smarter and more successfully.
The topics to be covered include:
- NPD Basics – common challenges and traps
- Linking NPD to business goals and strategy
- Establishing a clear project brief, teams
- Design considerations & designing better-for-the-planet products
- Practical problem solving
- Latest thinking on NPD
NPD expert Saskia van der Geest uses her vast experience to present practical tools and tips for faster, better, more profitable innovation. Saskia’s presentation is packed with real life anecdotes and solutions to common challenges.
During the course participants will apply the learnings to their own real time examples, using the tools to progress actual tasks. The course also gives attendees the opportunity to network and share their experiences with other operators in the region.
Please come prepared to work through your own product development challenges.
I look forward to meeting you at the course!

About Saskia van der Geest:
Saskia helps organisations to design better products/services faster. She specialises in improving productivity to help your team deliver new products ‘faster, better, and more profitable’.
Saskia has a passion for progress and an obsession with implementation. She is driven to help people to deliver great work. She loves seeing teams deliver their craft together beautifully.
Saskia takes a very practical approach, with a people lens. She makes the complex easy. It gives you time back in your day, so you can do your job better.
Born in the Netherlands and based in Queenstown, New Zealand, Saskia is backed by the rare mix of a Master’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering from Technische Universiteit Delft (one of the best in Europe) and a marketing degree and has worked as a speaker, trainer, coach, facilitator, mentor with many of the top national companies over the past 20 years.

It was a really good day. I have been to a number of workshop days and Saskia’s Streamline NPD workshop would be right up there as one of the best. Saskia was awesome and she kept it interesting and engaging the whole time.
Mike Sander,
Taylored Foods.
Saskia, you’re a great coach and teacher of complex processes, and you do it in a way that is easily understood and gets everyone excited about the possibilities.
Craig Bond,
Goodnature Ltd.