4 ideas to make a difference
Making a difference by design… Four ideas for you:One new look, one thought to ponder, one tip, and a game for you: Brand new website
You’ll find all my latest thinking, white papers, e-books and blogs here.
It’s yours to share as you like, and feel free to come back to me with any comments, questions or queries. It would be great to start a conversation. Talk soon!
Get my white paper ‘Product Development Warriors‘ below!
For all the Product Development Warriors out there!
I love product development. I love the challenge of working with all the different specialists, the sales geniuses, the marketing masterminds, the operations wizards, the supply virtuosi, the technology mavens, and making all their amazing craft come together to deliver a beautiful solution for a client. The thrill of the journey to get to launch is exciting and invigorating. It is a fantastic feeling when it all comes together seamlessly.
Unfortunately, it often doesn’t. In many organisations this has become the norm:
” My boss wants us to deliver new products faster, better & cheaper,
and I’d like us to do that too, but we’re already working 60hrs/week
and I don’t know how I can go any faster. I’d love to do things better!”
But it does not have to be that way.
I wrote this paper for you. To bring the fun back into product development.
I know you love to do your job better. And you can. It is easier than you think. There is a formula to it.
I’d love your help with this please?
I’m in the process of writing a book with lots of practical straightforward tips on how to improve product development. How to bring back the fun.
But rather than writing the whole thing, downloading all the ideas in my head, publishing it and then finding out it’s not quite right for you, I thought I’d test the idea with you first, because I really value your opinion. (You know me: I’m walking my talk!)
I’ve written a SSD (short shitty draft :-)) Find it here.
I’d really value your opinion and comments.
I love to know if I’m on the right track?
Thank you so much for your help in advance!
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Making a difference by design… Four ideas for you:One new look, one thought to ponder, one tip, and a game for you: Brand new website
New year, blue sky The view from my office window this morning. There’s a mountain to climb, but the blue sky makes all the difference.
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Making a difference by design… “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones
Making a difference by design… Designing for the better This is something I’ve been wanting to get into for a long time, I just didn’t
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Making a difference by design… Happy holidays! Yay, the countdown is on, last few days! Time to take a break, relax and recharge. I want to
Making a difference by design… I’m walking the talk… The irony of expertise…. It’s the taps in the plumbers house that leak. The website designer
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Making a difference by design… Here’s an idea I’ve been playing with. It’s not polished yet, but it’s a subject I’m exploring. It started with a
Making a difference by design… On bucking the trend… Question: Should I be investing in product development right now? Well, I guess that depends on
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How to develop new products faster, better, more profitable. Consistently.